Product Overview
What it is:
Nature's Science Keto Snack Shake is positioned to capitalize on the two largest diet trends sweeping the supplement category: Ketogenic and low sugar. Nature's Science Keto Snack Shake hits on both trends with a sought-after formula providing 70% calories from good fats, 20% calories from protein and 10% NET CARBS all while providing the best tasting keto shake on the market

Who it is for:
These products are suitable for men and women.

What it does:

This shake contains 70% calories from good fats, 20% calories from protein and 10% net carbs to help you on your Keto journey.

What is included:
• (2) Keto Made Convenient Nature's Science Keto Snack Shake (680 g each)- valued at $55 each

*As offered for sale separately

Auto Delivery:
Auto Delivery ensures you get today's great value with every shipment! You will receive this product every 60 days with shipping and handling on all shipments until April 2022.

Easy Pay®:
The price of your first Auto Delivery shipment will be spread over 6 interest-free monthly payments (taxes will be added to your first payment). Your remaining shipments will require full payment at the time they are shipped to you.

This product is also available in a Single Shipment.

Auto Delivery

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