EVE - Smart Home

EVE- You. Home. Connected.

Connecting you to your home, EVE is available here at TSC! Based in Munich, Germany, EVE has been improving domestic environments since their start in 1999. Touching on all aspects of those things that make your home the special place it is (heating and AC, lighting, security, energy efficiency, and more), EVE brings a total experience of the intelligent home to you, simply and safely. Compatible with the Apple Homekit and/or Siri, EVE allows you to customize intuitive controls for all aspects of your home; whether you want to remotely monitor a couple of things, or completely control the efficiencies of your entire home, you can do so with a few simple instructions, and all through the familiar screen of your smartphone. The accompanying EVE app gives you total intuitive mastery, with sophistication and a simple interface. Most important of all, EVE's priority is all about security, for both you and your home. With that in mind, all sensitive information is kept on your phone itself and nowhere else, giving you complete peace of mind in its efficiency and security. In EVE's own words, 'privacy is paramount, and what happens at home, must stay at home.' Melding comfort, safety, and control, EVE has a long history of seamless compatibility with the total Apple experience, starting with partnerships through stand-along brands EyeTV and Elgato. With over 20 years of experience in making the organization of your domestic life easier, EVE can be trusted to efficiently oversee the running of your home. Keep those heating bills down, monitor the comings and goings through your front door, add that special touch with your lighting selection, and so much more; EVE will help you save time and money without sacrificing time or those family moments that truly matter. EVE smart home systems are available to you here at TSC!