
Timothy’s High Quality Coffee Made in Canada | K-Cups for Keurig

Whether at home or on the go, coffee has been in Canadian daily life for many years, and Timothy’s is part of that story! Over the past three decades, the company has been committed to pleasing coffee lovers across Canada and preserving the beverage tradition. Timothy's guarantees rich flavours and quality by sourcing only the world’s finest Arabica beans and roasting them in small batches. The brand offers over 40 types of blends and beans to suit your taste and mood, including hot chocolate, tea and more. From light to extra dark roast, Timothy’s ground coffees deliver the perfect balance between taste and irresistible aroma. At TSC, you can find a great selection of K-Cups for Keurig, including Breakfast Blend, Italian Roast, Colombian, Mocha Java and more. Shop online your favourite coffee to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee anytime and anywhere. Timothy's World Coffee was founded by Timothy Snelgrove and his wife Theresa and started as a coffee shop in 1975. Years later, the Canadian company was purchased by Ian and Becky McKinnon, and more and more stores were opened across North America. The quality of the coffee and customer service remained a top priority, as well as the commitment to the environment and social responsibility. Timothy's is a proud supporter of programs, such as the Rainforest Alliance and Fair Trade Coffee, that assist farmers and their communities. Every group involved in the trading process - producers, workers, wildlife, and consumers benefits from the programs. Today, there are over 30 Timothy’s cafés in key office towers, shopping malls and on main streets of Canada's major cities. Besides, the company operates a wholesale coffee business, supplying catering companies, large hotel chains, grocery stores, sports clubs and other venues. Timothy’s has also partnered with Keurig to offer single-serve coffee pods for use in the Keurig brewers. Explore TSC and experience the finest and authentic coffees from around the world, such as Colombia La Vereda. Part of the Medium Roast family, this coffee has an intense fragrance and combines exotic floral, fruity notes with a balanced body and acidity. Each sip of Timothy's coffee highlights the appreciation of good taste that extends to the look and feel of a warm and inviting drink.